"Re" Designing KyleNunery.com

My current website design is about 4 years old, so I thought it would be a good time to update the site to a more modern feel to keep my designer chops sharp. The site is not very colorful as it was done in a "clean" grunge design. I featured LinkedIn on the banner bar and since then it's become just as important to feature links to your Github and Twitter accounts.

Kyle Nunery website original design

Design Goals

With any project I need a set of goals so I know when to call it done.

  1. Update website to be Responsive so it looks good on mobile too
  2. Add more color dammit!
  3. Showcase more of my personal art on the landing page to make the site more personal
  4. Use new "long page" format that many websites now use to show content without having to navigate to another page
  5. Change site over to use Node and Express
  6. Make site auto deploy from Git repository

Post Mortem

How many of the original design goals did I achieve? The new site is now responsive thanks to Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a good fit for this scenario where you want a responsive site without much time investment.

I used Adobe Kuler to find a nice color palette that I'm happy with. Yeah, more color!

My previous site which was 4 pages was condensed to one long page. Achievement unlocked!

The Kyle Nunery site is using Express and Node. The site is autodeployed on every checkin to my master branch in BitBucket to Azure. It's amazing how easy it is to set this autodeployment up!


Adobe Kuler


Reference Sites

I used these sites as inspiration when designing my website.