Users and Role Management
For user management and user roles, use the default ASP .NET Configuration tool to add new users and roles. You will need to create a database either by letting the configuration tool create one on your behalf or by using the command-line utility, aspnet_regsql, in order to store the user and role information.
Application Settings
Application settings are now stored in the web.config file. They can easily be added by using the ASP .NET Configuration tool.
Logging and Debugging
Trace and debug statements are built into the .net framework via the calls Debug.WriteLine() and Trace.WriteLine(). Debug and trace modes are turned on via the web.config file. There is a special file, “trace.axd”, that can be navigated to that gives the web site’s trace information. There are many logging tools available, but two recommended ones are the Microsoft Logging Application Block and the open source Log4Net. Both make logging to various outputs, e.g. the event log or to a file, very simple.
Unit Testing
The modern “agile” development process relies on proper unit testing. For a software development project to remain stable and rapidly move forward you need proper unit testing. MS Visual Studio Team System has integrated unit testing available via the namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting. If you don’t have team system then use the open source product Nunit. I tend to favor Nunit because it is open source and it is, in my opinion, easier to use.
Application Deployment
Website application deployment is easier than ever before. In most cases, you can just ftp your websites files to your hosting server. There is a built in ftp application within Visual Studio 2005 that is very hit or miss in terms of reliability, but it will work for many situations. Another option is to precompile your site and deploy the created dlls to your hosting web server. There are myriad of choices when it comes to precompilation.
ASP .NET 2.0 Development Rocks
Developing an ASP .NET 2.0 application is very fun and exciting. Much of the common web site drudgery has been removed and replaced with either built in or very reliable open source software. The cohesion in the available tools allows for a rapid development of quality full-featured web sites.